UPDATE (11/08/2020): Our Board is currently reviewing the second round of applications (the first round have been contacted). If you requested a student assistance grant and are currently awaiting results, please note that you will be contacted soon. Thank you for your patience!

NALMS awards grants so students like you can present results of graduate-level research at our Symposium. You may apply if you are enrolled at a college or university. Those seeking either a Master’s degree or Ph.D. or the equivalent for foreign students will receive higher priority than other student programs.

To be considered for a registration assistance grant…

Upload one file which includes:

  • Your CV;
  • Your 2020 NALMS conference abstract;
  • And a brief explanation of your interest and expertise with lake management, experience and ideas for engagement with NALMS and need for half or full registration funding assistance.
Upload Your Request

Here’s how we make our selection:

  1. Our Scholarship Committee will review your NALMS conference registration grant request.
  2. The committee will give your grant request a number score in two categories, which include:
    • Did you submit an abstract and how does this abstract impact on lake management; and
    • Strength and experience detailed in your CV.
  3. Once your application is scored it will be ranked against other applications.
  4. The Scholarship Committee will consider the following when deciding to ask our Board to support your grant:
    • The availability of funds in the Symposium budget.
    • Your application rank.

Our Distribution & Reimbursement Policy

We use these guidelines when distributing grant funds.

  1. Conference Registration: If your application is approved and it included a request for symposium registration, you will receive partial or full Student Registration.
  2. NALMS Membership: If you are a first-time awardee you will receive a free one-year student membership in NALMS.
  3. Repeat Awards: You may submit only one application each year. However, you may request aid in multiple years. After you receive your first award you must be a NALMS member to receive further awards.