20 results for tag: NALMS awards
NALMS Announces Recipients of Kenneth H. Reckhow Student Scholarships
December 14, 2021
Contact: Alyssa Anderson, Marketing & Membership Director
Phone: 608-233-2836
Email: info@nalms.org
NALMS Announces Recipients of Kenneth H. Reckhow Student Scholarships
MADISON, WI – We are thrilled to announce the first-ever recipients of the Kenneth H. Reckhow Scholarship, a new opportunity established just this year. The two recipients are: Emily Waterman (University of Oklahoma, Geospatial Technologies and Environmental Science Master’s Program) and Marc James Rand (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath).
Established through the generosity and kindness of NALMS Life ...
NALMS 2021 Achievement Award Winners
December 6, 2021
Contact: Alyssa Anderson, Marketing & Membership Director
Phone: 608-233-2836
Email: info@nalms.org
North American Lake Management Society Honors Members & Partners with 2021 Achievement Awards
MADISON, WI – Shining a spotlight on deserving individuals and organizations who have made valuable contributions to the goals of the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS), or have made significant strides in lake management, NALMS Annual Achievement Award winners represent the very best amongst its members and partners.
NALMS Achievement Awards are presented annually at the Society’s ...
Call for NALMS Achievement Award Nominations
Through its annual achievement awards, NALMS recognizes the efforts of individuals, organizations, programs, and corporations who are making a notable impact in lake and reservoir management. Consider nominating a deserving individual or group for one of the following NALMS awards. The 2021 Achievement Awards will be presented at the 41st International Symposium in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
NALMS accepts nominations in the following categories:
Leadership and Service Awards
Nominations should detail how individuals or teams demonstrate leadership, service, and practice of lake and reservoir management. Selection criteria for Leadership and Service ...
LaBounty Best Paper Award Nominated Papers Available Through Open Access
The papers nominated for the Jim LaBounty Best Paper Award in 2020 will be available through open access through the end of March. Normally papers published in the last 3 years are only available by subscription, but as a tribute to the quality of research and importance to the lake management community, these papers are being made freely available for a limited time. The 2020 award went to a collection of three papers by Alex J. Horne and colleagues, but all the nominated papers are worth reading. Included are:
Hypolimnetic oxygenation and aeration in two Midwestern USA reservoirs
David Austin, Roger Scharf, Che-Fei Chen & Jim Bode
Lake and ...
Jody Connor Student Awards 2020
January 20, 2021
Contact: Philip Forsberg, Director of Programs & Operations
Phone: 608-233-2836
Email: info@nalms.org
North American Lake Management Society Announces 2020 Student Award Winners
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – Each year, NALMS presents student awards to the best student presentation and best student poster at the annual NALMS symposium. The awards are named in memory of Jody Connor, a long-time friend of NALMS who was active on the Education Committee and participated in the reviews of student presentations and posters.
The first-place winner receives a check for $200 and a plaque. Honorable mention or ...
NALMS 2020 Achievement Award Winners
December 7, 2020
Contact: Alyssa Anderson, Marketing & Membership Director
Phone: 608-233-2836
Email: info@nalms.org
North American Lake Management Society Honors Members & Partners with 2020 Achievement Awards
MADISON, WI – Shining a spotlight on deserving individuals and organizations who have made valuable contributions to the goals of the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS), or have made significant strides in lake management, NALMS Annual Achievement Award winners represent the very best amongst its members and partners.
NALMS Achievement Awards are presented annually at the Society’s ...
Jody Connor Student Awards – 2019
Each year NALMS presents student awards to the best student presentation and best student poster at the annual NALMS symposium. The awards are sponsored by SUNY Oswego. The NALMS Board renamed the student award as the Jody Connor Student Award in memory of Jody Connor, a long-time friend of NALMS who was active on the Education Committee and participated in the reviews of student presentations and posters.
The first-place winner receives a check for $200 and a plaque. Honorable mention or second place winners receive a plaque. The Student Awards Committee is chaired by Frank Browne. Members of the committee include Amy Smagula, Harry Gibbons, Holly ...
Jody Connor Student Awards – 2018
The poster session at the 2018 Symposium was held on Halloween.
Each year NALMS presents student awards to the best student presentation and best student poster at the annual NALMS symposium. The awards are sponsored by SOLitude Lake Management. The NALMS Board renamed the student award as the Jody Connor Student Award in memory of Jody Connor, a long-time friend of NALMS who was active on the Education Committee and participated in the reviews of student presentations and posters.
The first-place winner receives a check for $200 and a plaque. Honorable mention or second place winners receive a plaque. The Student Awards ...
NALMS 2017 Achievement Award Winners
Shining a spotlight on deserving individuals and organizations who have made valuable contributions to the goals of the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS), or have made significant strides in lake management, NALMS Annual Achievement Award winners represent the very best amongst its members and supporters.
NALMS Achievement Awards are presented annually at the Society’s International Symposium, which was recently held November 6-9, 2017, in Denver, CO. This year, NALMS was pleased to honor and recognize a variety of individuals and groups, who were nominated by their peers, from across the United States and Canada.
The 2017 ...
2016 Call for NALMS Achievement Awards
Call for Achievement Award Nominations
We all have times when we think to ourselves, “wow, x should be awarded for all their hard work, contribution, or service!” Do not lose that thought. Now is your chance to nominate that person or entity for their outstanding efforts.
North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) eagerly awaits your nominations for individuals, organizations and programs, corporations, and projects contributing to NALMS and its mission- to forge partnerships among citizens, scientists, professionals fostering the management and protection of lakes and reservoirs for today and tomorrow. NALMS Award recipients receive ...