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Report on The Big Event: JASM 2022

The 2022 Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting took place from May 14-20, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and an abundance of newly hatched caddisflies were there to welcome us; as aquatic scientists, we get excited about the littlest things… The pedestrian bridge over the Grand River was the site of a social event on Thursday evening. The river is where the filter-feeding caddisflies were hatching from. And excited we certainly were to see our two-legged colleagues as well! This was the first large in-person meeting for many of us since 2019, and the first time that we needed to observe COVID-19 protocols, including wearing face masks, which everyone faithfully did. JASM 2022 included all 9 aquatic societies that are members of the Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS). The first JASM, held in 2014, included four societies (NALMS joined CASS in 2017).