President’s Message — January / February 2020
Perry Thomas, NALMS President

NALMS President, Perry Thomas, sampling Eastern Brook Lake in the mid-1980s, as part of a lake-watershed modeling project based at the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory in Crowley Lake, California.
Hang on to your hats, NALMS members and friends! The winds are blowing strong for NALMS as we prepare to sail through the field season and toward Minnesota for our 40th International Symposium.
NALMS 2020 Symposium
As mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter, the call for abstracts is open for NALMS 2020. The Program Committee plans technical sessions that will do justice to the ambitious theme—NALMS at 40: Leveraging Experience to Manage Diverse Lakes, Landscapes and People. Fundraising for the conference is going well, with many sponsors and exhibitors already on board.
Cyanobacterial Blooms
Meanwhile, NALMS and partners in the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council’s HCB Team and the Aquatic Plant Management Society continue to collaborate in planning cyanobacteria-related communications and outreach, as well as to identify gaps in cyanobacteria-management research. Updates will be reported in future NALMS Notes and on the Inland HABs Program webpage (
Consider Telling Your NALMS Story
All are invited to contribute your NALMS stories as part of our 40th Anniversary celebration. We anticipate using member stories as touchstones during our review of the 2017 – 2020 Strategic Plan and consideration of new initiatives. Examples that Sara Peel and I shared are available in the President’s message sections of the September/October and November/December 2019 newsletters.
Email your NALMS stories to Alyssa Anderson ( Contributors will receive samples of Kentucky bourbon-infused chocolate or maple syrup. Just mention this message when you send your story to Alyssa and indicate your preference for chocolate or syrup!