NOTICE: Website Data Submission Temporarily Unavailable

Hello Secchi Dip-In Volunteers,


Thank you to all volunteers who alerted us about issues submitting data via the Secchi Dip-In website! Late Monday evening, it was determined all accounts are currently unable to submit data to the Secchi Dip-In website. The company managing our website-database interface has been contacted and we are waiting for a response.


Currently, three options exist for data submission:

  1. Sign up for and submit your information using the GLEON Lake Observer App. Training videos for downloading and using the app to submit data to the Secchi Dip-In can be found at
  2. Wait to enter your data until the website-database interface issues are resolved.
  3. Send all pertinent data to and the intern will enter it once website issues are resolved.


We are hopeful the website-database interface will be promptly repaired and will post another notice when the repair is complete.



The Secchi Dip-In Team