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OLA Fall Seminar Series Abstracts Due
August 1, 2021

Oregon Lakes Association Fall 2021 Online Seminar Series
Call for Abstracts
Abstract submittal for oral and poster presentations is now open for OLAs Fall 2021 Online Seminar Series. Conference sessions held via Zoom during the Wednesday afternoons of Oct 27, Nov 3, and Nov 12, will be approximately 1.5 hours long, and will include 3-5 presentations each. Additional session dates may be added depending on the volume of abstract submissions. The Oct 27 session will include five-minute flash presentations by poster presenters.
Topics of interest that deal directly or indirectly with lakes include:
- water quality and harmful algal blooms
- ecological interactions
- effects of climate change
- lake and watershed restoration
- aquatic invasive species
- and any other lake, pond or reservoir related topic
Submission Requirements:
Submit abstracts online by August 1, 2021. Include your presentation title, author(s) noting any student authors, preference of an oral or poster presentation, and an abstract of 300 words/3,000 characters or less. Oral presentations via Zoom will be up to 20 minutes long. Online poster presentations will be available as pdfs during the entirety of the seminar series and authors will also present five minute speed talks summarizing their posters. Presenters and OLA Members will receive free registration for the seminar series. A nominal registration fee will be charged to non-members.