17 results for tag: jedi
Women In Science: A Love Affair in STEM
Join DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program’s Free Virtual Winter Speaker Series!
Meet and learn from scientists, community leaders, and environmental educators who work at the intersection of research, education, and environmental and social justice. Engage in discussions about water quality research, dam removals, field-based learning, and overcoming barriers and challenges in the field of science and education.
Learn how a Black woman's love of marine science blossomed into a holistic passion of STEM education, empowerment, and community elevation for New York City youth. From her 10+ year journey in informal education and community develop...
Women In Science: Demolishing Dams and Stereotypes!
Join DEC's Hudson River Estuary Program's Free Virtual Winter Speaker Series!
Meet and learn from scientists, community leaders, and environmental educators who work at the intersection of research, education, and environmental and social justice. Engage in discussions about water quality research, dam removals, field-based learning, and overcoming barriers and challenges in the field of science and education.
Dams are coming down and many women are leading the charge! Laura will focus on the steps to remove a dam and highlight some of the efforts of the many women who are making it happen. She will be describing the processes to removing a dam ...
CASS Panel Discussion
Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) will host a panel discussion for leaders of the Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS) during our 2021 Annual Meeting. Leaders of the nine societies will discuss and engage the audience on two focal topics: 1) building cross-society collaborations and 2) fostering diversity, inclusion, and equity. All members of the nine societies are invited to join in for this exciting event. Registration is required but complimentary. Register here! Check out the CASS website for more information about the consortium: https://aquaticsocieties.org/.
Webinar: The Nature Gap: Racial and Economic Disparities in the Outdoors
In most states, people of color and low-income communities are far less likely to have places to get outdoors near where they live. New data from the Center for American Progress and the Hispanic Access Foundation confirms what many have long suspected or known through experience: not everyone has equal access to nature’s benefits. The “nature gap” is real and it is wide. Nationwide, communities of color are three times more likely than mostly white ones to be deprived of nearby nature---in the Northeast, it’s nine times.
These disparities are not a coincidence, but rather the result of a long history of environmental racism, from the ...
February is Black History Month
February is Black History Month!
This month is a time to appreciate the past (and current) contributions of the Black community, to not only our organization and those in the limnology/aquatic sciences, but to society. There are many reasons to celebrate the contributions made by Black entrepreneurs, politicians, activists, artists, and others during Black History Month, but since we are NALMS, we are focusing on those individuals who have contributed in the fields of limnology and aquatic science by highlighting their achievements. We will be using Black History Month as an opportunity to learn and reflect, as well as to celebrate and uplift Black ...
NALMS Statement on Racism and Equality
Dear NALMS members and friends,
During the past week, NALMS' leadership collaborated in writing the following statement. Yesterday, during the June Board of Directors Meeting, members recognized the need to form a Diversity Task Force. We invite NALMS members, partners, and the broader lake management community to read this statement and learn more about our plans for action steps. We will follow up next week with additional resources from NALMS. If anyone is interested in joining the Task Force or sharing ideas, feel free to reach out to the Task Force at diversity@nalms.org.
We are experiencing a difficult moment in society, sparked by ...
NALMS Adopts Code of Conduct
NALMS is proud to announce the release of our official Code of Conduct, adapted from such respected organizations as the International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC) and Ecological Society of America (ESA).
The North American Lake Management Society commits to promoting a welcoming environment while fulfilling our mission of forging partnerships among citizens, scientists, and professionals to foster the management and protection of lakes and reservoirs. We intend to do this during daily operations, which includes the annual NALMS symposium, by fostering environments that are safe, collaborative, supportive, and productive for all members and ...